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The Luxury Hotel Suite


Chapters undertook the task of transforming two separate rooms into a cohesive and luxurious hotel-suite-like bedroom, creating an intimate and opulent space. The design focused on using a moody color palette to impart a sense of coziness to the expansive bedroom, while adding an element of luxury through the incorporation of rich wallpapers and dark wooden accents.

A hotel vibe at home. An irresistible bed, rich wallpaper, wooden elements, and natural stone.

A beautiful bath surrounded by art is installed in the bedroom underneath the window, which overlooks the gorgeous Dutch countryside. This space was carefully designed to serve as a sanctuary for relaxation and unwinding. The design integrates original elements of the house — the granite sink is repurposed onto the dresser, adding an authentic touch to the luxurious ambiance. Adjacent to the bedroom, an interconnected layout includes a walk-in wardrobe, shower, and toilet. This seamless integration of functional spaces within the same area contributes to the creation of a true luxury hotel suite experience in the grandeur of the stately house. Chapters' thoughtful design approach successfully transformed these rooms into an indulgent retreat, ensuring that every element contributes to a harmonious and luxurious experience.

Let’s talk about your project. Contact Chapters to discuss the possibilities for your space.